
No doubt it has to do with the visitors of the cemetery around All Saints and All Souls that about thirteen years later mayor Mr Albert Bruzon, is to approach “Mrs the Countess” with a kind letter of November 3 1897.

Fig. 2-8
Request for maintenance of concession on cemetery
November 3 1897


‘Mrs the countess

I beg to draw your attention to the fact that the plot you bought with a lifelong concession on the municipal cemetery on April 12 1884 is in a state of total neglect. The fence provisionally placed as façade is in a very bad condition and the public, not knowing the destination of the plot, throw away there faded bouquets, papers etc, .  in spite of the superintendence.

My attention is especially drawn to this state of affairs during these days of the year when the cemetery is visited more often and I request you to give instructions to clean this plot and to place a solid fence, announcing for your information, that the guardian of the cemetery widow Legras would be more than willing to do this maintenance at little expense.

Yours sincerely,

The Mayor,

Was signed A. Bruzon’

From his address 64, Avenue de Paris in Versailles Charles de Lambert, 31 years old, reacts with a letter of November 4 1897.


Fig. 2-9
Promise count de Lambert “to do the necessary”
November 4 1897


‘Mr Mayor

my Mother instructs me to thank you for your letter of  the 3rd of this month, and to tell you she is writing to have the necessary done.

I intend to go to Touraine one of these days and I will have the fence replaced.

Thanking you  Mr Mayor once more,

yours sincerely,

was signed count de Lambert’