Move to Pau

After the death of Lancosme-Brèves mother and son move to Pau where Charles count de Lambert attends secondary education. It has also been published that he takes an academic grade in law. His marriage certificate of June 6 1893 (see CHAPTER 4 CHARLES DE LAMBERT AND HIS ONES) indicates ‘licencié en droit’ (‘candidate in law’). Somewhat confusing his uncle count de Beaumont, in whose villa he lives in Pau, calls him ‘ingenieur’ whereas he appears in the lists of the census in 1911 and 1921 in Neuilly-sur-Seine with the profession of ‘Ingénieur Aviateur’. >From 1878 until 1884 he studies higher education at the Collège Saint-Jean in Versailles, nowadays (maybe still?) ‘private catholic schooling’.

In 1924, no doubt an older branch becoming extinct, he takes the title of marquis de Lambert (one step higher on the noble scale). However it is also held that he probably could bear this title from the death of his mother on July 6 1909.  The carelessness about his title causes him to be called count de Lambert.

Also in 1869 a  suchlike attitude appears when countess de Lancosme-Brèves born Marie-Antoinette Juliette Gaudar de Laverdine, grants by notarial act, the possession of Brèves at the Bornaie, community of Vendœvres, Indre to her grandson. The castle built by the count from 1834 (stone in a wall) is sold by Charles de Lambert in 1904 to Mr Trotignon-Lignelet, producer. He, as well as the countess, does not take the trouble to sign the deed of sale. Moreover it is said that de Lambert never came and fetched the furniture and familymementos reserved for him. But perhaps it is also possible that he left the removal to his mother!       


Fig. 2-4
Fig. 2-5

Castle of Brèves, Indre, France
Friday September 17 2004